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The Toaster is the context component which manages the addition, update, and removal of toast notifications and must be rendered within both the SafeAreaProvider and GestureHandlerRootView.


To use the Toaster, place it at the root level of your app, after the NavigationContainer, to ensure it works across all screens. Here's an example setup:

import { Toaster } from 'sonner-native';
import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { SafeAreaProvider } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';
import { GestureHandlerRootView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';

export default function App() {
return (
<NavigationContainer>{/* App content */}</NavigationContainer>
<Toaster />


The Toaster component can provide default styles for all toasts, but individual toasts can also be customized. The Toaster component accepts a number of props to customize the appearance and behavior of the toasts.


The position prop determines where the toasts are displayed on the screen.

// Available positions:
// top-center, bottom-center
<Toaster position="bottom-center" />

Default styles for toasts

You can provide default styles for all toasts by passing style and className props to the Toaster component. All customization passed to the toast() will be concatenated with these default styles.

style: { backgroundColor: 'red' },
className: 'bg-red-500',

Usage with react-native-z-view

Use the ToasterOverlayWrapper prop to wrap the Toaster component with a custom component. This is useful when using react-native-z-view to render the toasts.

sonner-native uses FullWindowOverlay from react-native-screens by default on iOS and View on Android.

import { ZView } from 'react-native-z-view';

style: { backgroundColor: 'red' },
className: 'bg-red-500',

API Reference

themelight, darklight
visibleToastsMaximum number of visible toasts3
positionPlace where the toasts will be renderedtop-center
offsetOffset from the top or bottom0
closeButtonAdds a close button to all toastsfalse
invertDark toasts in light mode and vice versa.false
toastOptionsThese will act as default options for all toasts. See toast() for all available options.{}
gapGap between toasts when expanded16
iconsChanges the default icons-
pauseWhenPageIsHiddenPauses toast timers when the app enters background.{}
swipeToDismissDirectionSwipe direction to dismiss (left, up).up
cnCustom function for constructing/merging classes.filter(Boolean).join(' ')
ToasterOverlayWrapper Custom component to wrap the Toaster.div
autoWiggleOnUpdateAdds a wiggle animation on toast update. never, toast-change, alwaysnever
richColors Makes error and success state more colorfulfalse